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Hi, I'm Kody,
Picture of Kody.
React Mobile Engineer/ Software Developer







My Offer

    I'm dedicated to advancing my experience and proficiencies on a continual basis. I have hands on experience from school. I'm advancing further with self-study and solo projects. I'm Eager to learn and develop skills in the industry. I love piecing together projects and seeing all of the parts come together as a whole.


  Developing experience with:     Java ++   JavaScript     SQL    XML    HTML5  CSS3

  Studying:  #  Python  Clojure    MongoDB   pl/SQL

Project Roles I can perform

Output for Design

Output for Development

Testing/Debugging involvement


Project management
User Interface
ITIL foundation


Project Portfolio


Furtrieve Community

Language:React Native, Javascript, Node.JS, JSON


GUI:Social Media Application

Utilized React Native, Node.js, Javascript, API, Cloudinary, AdobeXD, and more technologies to build an android/ios native application. Social app creation with several unique aspects. Converted design vision based on XD document for register, login, video, and fundraising sections of the app into a testable react native application. In addition, set up a server app using javascript, node.js, express, and mongoDB Atlas. Utilized team building activities and tracking forms to organize work, and learned about source control with a team.


Choyces Mobile

Language:React Native, Javascript, JSON


GUI:Tutoring App 4 separate login types

Created a mobile application using React Native Expo, several APIs, and Firebase. Applied design principles to creation of an XD document to assist a vision to come to life.




IDE:Android Studio

GUI:Mobile design application interface with several expandable/collapsable interfaces. Sharing functionality with google plugin.


The aim of PopBooks was to produce a mobile application for scout parents and pack leaders. I produced planning documents, requirements research, Database ERD Schemas, class diagrams, technical documentation, code/UI/UX development, and the test plan and results. This app is unique in my library because it includes a sharing feature to assist in sharing sale/inventory data with scout leaders and popcorn officials.

Link to all documents and design artifacts.
tp home Screen

Term Planner

The Term Planner app was a simulation situation through WGU that had me gathering business requirements from a fictional client and create a software solution proposal. This project also integrated the use of the broadcast receiver to set alarms for term/course/assessment start and end dates when the user requested that such alarms be set.


IDE:Android Studio

GUI:Mobile design application interface with several expandable/collapsable interfaces.

GitHub:Term Planner

(click to expand images)

tp home Screen
tp term list
tp term detail
tp course list
tp course detail
tp edit note
tp alert
tp menu
tp menu 2
tp progress
tp assessment list
tp assessment detail

Inventory System

This project was aimed at providing a platform for logging inventory as well as storing part and product information. It has a pleasant and simple GUI for user crud options.

Language: Java/FXML

IDE: Netbeans

GUI: Simple form and CRUD interface using FXML

GitHub:Inventory Application

(click to expand images)

IM home Screen
add part
add product
Mod part
Mod Product


Term Planner Schema

(click to expand images)

Term planner db
Term planner db
Term planner db
Term planner db


My first project

This is a console application for logging student information on a roster. The displayed picture is the result with test data.

Language: C++

IDE: Visual Studio

GUI: No GUI: console program

Picture of console project.